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Blog Articles

Five ways to help your clients build a strong eCommerce identity

Building a strong eCommerce identity is crucial for businesses looking to compete in the online marketplace. It encompasses elements such as brand image, values, and reputation, which help businesses create an emotional connection with their customers and differentiate themselves from competitors. However, creating a compelling brand identity can be challenging and, for small eCommerce businesses, […]

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Tiered Access update: centralized system development, and updated statistics

Our most recent Tiered Access update introduced the ICANN Community’s pilot project for a central intake point for registration data disclosure requests. Now called the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS), this pilot is intended to help gather volume data to inform the ICANN Board’s decision about building a permanent, more feature-rich centralized data request system.  The project […]

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Tapping into the new creator economy with .bio

The creator ecosystem is experiencing a period of dramatic change. Creators and influencers are rapidly re-writing the world of branding, e-commerce, and entrepreneurship. For those in the business of helping individuals establish an online presence, this shift presents a major opportunity worth pursuing.  The state of the creator economy Remember when Instagram was for sharing […]

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April 2023・Commercial, Domain Names

Help businesses get .Online

From singing lessons to printing, there’s no shortage of products and services people are searching for online. The convenience these online service providers offer has fundamentally changed consumer behavior. While the pandemic may have familiarized most of us with work and school from home, the popularity of online services like meditation apps and skill share […]

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March 2023・Industry Insight

ICANN76 recap

The ICANN76 conference in Cancun wrapped up on March 16 and, while the setting might seem odd for a conference on policy and internet governance, it was a productive few days. In her opening remarks, ICANN Board Chair Tripti Sinha spoke about this time as an “inflection point.” ICANN’s role in managing the domain name […]

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Tiered Access update: policy check-in and updated statistics

Tucows launched our Tiered Access Compliance and Operations (TACO) platform nearly five years ago in May 2018. Since then, we’ve processed thousands of disclosure requests, supported hundreds of requestors with their legitimate needs for the disclosure of domain registration data, and made ongoing improvements to our TACO platform (the most recent of which are discussed […]

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