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Industry Insight

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February 2014・Industry Insight

Mass surveillance – The Day We Fight Back

Being able to conduct our private online affairs privately is important. If you don’t need any further convincing, jump down to find out why online privacy matters to us, what we’re doing to help protect it and how you can help. Perhaps our opening statement seems weird and anachronistic, seeing as we live in a […]

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CIRA’s community investment program

The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) has recently launched a new Community Investment Program designed to provide funding to community groups, not-for-profits, and academic institutions for projects that enhance the internet for the benefit of all Canadians. If  you are pursuing an interesting initiative that requires funding you can apply to have your initiative considered. When […]

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October 2013・Industry Insight

Recommendations for securing names in new gTLDs

Last week’s post regarding pre-registration resonated with a lot of readers, and it also sparked a conversation internally about where pre-registration fits in the bigger picture. We ultimately boiled it down to the needs and intentions of registrants, and some recommendations on what you can do as a reseller. What pre-registrations really are What is […]

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September 2013・Industry Insight

The hype of preregistration – don’t be fooled

The upcoming launch of new gTLDs has lots of people excited, but there is also a lot of confusion and misperceptions going around. Pre-registration in particular is causing a lot of headaches as it introduces an unofficial step in the process; in reality its just a marketing ploy. The Trademark Clearinghouse is the one and […]

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September 2013・Industry Insight

Getting ready for new TLDs and new rules

If you buy or sell domain names, you’ve probably heard about the upcoming launch of new TLDs. By the middle of next year, we will likely be awash in new extensions ranging from .abudhabi to .webcam. It will be the biggest, most exciting change to the Internet in over a decade. At Tucows HQ, we […]

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Verisign celebrates 15 million .net registrations

Congratulations are in order as Verisign announced .net has surpassed 15 million registrations, putting it in fourth place behind .com. With more than 110 million .com domains registered, .net is proving itself to be a great alternative that works on a global scale. 15 Facts about .net: Almost 139,000 domains registered in other top-level domains […]

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May 2013・Industry Insight

An update on new TLDs

Earlier this year, we set up an informational page detailing our position and outlook on the topic of new TLDs. Since then, and particularly since the conclusion of ICANN’s 46th international meeting last month in Beijing, we have received many inquiries from resellers about our plans for this exciting development. As a result, I thought […]

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