Blog Articles

Standing out in the website builder space: an interview with AI-powered Bookmark
The website builder and e-commerce spaces are crowded. Finding success means finding a way to stand out, and there are different approaches you can take to do so. Some do it by going local and offering a really personalized touch, some by meeting the specific needs of a niche customer group, and others by delivering […]

TACO Platform updates
We are very pleased to announce several updates to the Tucows TACO Platform: Finally, we want to share our thinking behind our decision to start billing for TACO requests, which we’ve been doing since May 2021. Disclosure notice to domain owners We’re committed to data protection, privacy, and transparency. We want domain owners to understand […]

What do domain status codes mean?
When you do a Whois lookup on a domain, the results include a lot of information. It’ll look something like the image below. Most of the fields are pretty self-explanatory, but the meaning of the “Domain Status” field values isn’t always so clear. In this post, we’ll explain what the various status codes mean, so […]

Three reasons for your e-commerce clients to build a brand with .store
The global e-commerce industry has never been bigger. And eMarketer’s global forecast of $5.5 trillion in retail e-commerce sales for 2022 is a testament to this fact. This boost in e-commerce may have started as the COVID-19 pandemic forced buyers and sellers to change their behaviors, but the USA’s International Trade Commission predicts that the […]

ICANN75 recap
I had intended to participate remotely in ICANN75, as I did for the past few ICANN conferences, but these plans were disrupted as I was called for jury duty and unable to attend most of the sessions. This blog post is thus gratefully dedicated to our RrSG Secretariat and the several RrSG members who provided […]

Tiered Access update and thoughts on due process
We disclose data through TACO on a regular basis to people who have proven a “legitimate interest” (these are the requirements of GDPR). There is another way, however, to get access to the data that Tucows holds; adequate due process. Recent events in the news have underscored that due process is one of the most […]

ICANN74 recap
If we’ve known each other or worked together for any significant period of time, you know that I have a strong sense of FOMOW—fear of missing out on work. The hybrid-format ICANN74 meeting simultaneously eased and exacerbated those feelings. I was so glad to be able to participate in sessions remotely but found myself longing […]

Targeting content creators with .blog
There are millions of individuals, businesses, and organizations that provide regular content to their audiences. For some, content — be it workshops, courses, or paid subscriptions — is the core of their business. For others, it’s a means to strengthen their brand presence and win potential customers by providing real upfront value that welcomes them […]

Tiered Access update: registration data accuracy, and updated statistics
In the lead-up to ICANN74, we’re back with another set of Tiered Access disclosure request and response statistics. You can jump to the numbers to see how the first few months of 2022 compared to previous years. Since the Registration Data Accuracy Scoping Team is focusing on the topic, we’d like to provide some insight […]

ICANN73 recap
ICANN73 took place last week and, as always, it was a productive conference. Panels covered an interesting range of topics: in-progress policy work, what it truly means for something to be in the global public interest and how ‘public interest’ can be assessed, what’s next for new gTLDs now that the Subsequent Procedures Working Group […]