Blog Articles

CIRA 2011 Board of Director Nominations
CIRA’s Nomination Committee is seeking interested individuals from across Canada to apply to fill three open positions for the Nomination Committee Slate of CIRA’s Board of Directors Election. Professional Canadians with Board experience and/or an interest in technology and the Internet are encouraged to apply. Expertise in one of the following areas would be an […]

Webinar: control panel in-depth
It’s been a week or so since we introduced the Domain Manager tab in the OpenSRS Control Panel. We hope you’ve had a chance to dive in a play around and let us know what you think. We’ve already received some encouraging and constructive feedback – keep it coming! We’re pretty excited about the Control […]

Internet Explorer 6 users help us help you
With the preview launch of our Control Panel, if you’re an Internet Explorer 6 user, it’s probably time we had a chat. And if you don’t want to talk to us, then please do us a favour and seek professional help before it’s too late. Because we care about you a lot, and it’s tough […]

How to: log into the control panel
Here’s a quick screencast that shows you how to check out the Control Panel Preview. If you have any questions or feedback, visit the OpenSRS Support page.

Try out the new OpenSRS Control Panel
It’s a pretty big day at OpenSRS – we’re ready to take the wraps off our Control Panel and let Resellers give it a try starting today. You’ll probably agree that it’s been a bit of a long time in coming, but we’re pretty sure that once you see it and try it out, you’ll […]

Tooting the horn of an internet legend: Peter Tattam
Before Microsoft had the good sense to build internet support into its Windows operating system, there was Peter Tattam and his software, Trumpet Winsock. Personally, I don’t think of myself as being old enough to talk about how tough we had it during the “old days”, but man, the internet sure was a different place […]

Passion outside of the workplace
It’s the weekend of your 40th birthday, how do you spend it? If you’re James Koole, communications lead for Tucows, you fly yourself to Vancouver, BC to participate in the BMO Vancouver Marathon! The passion that James has for running reminds me that we should take more opportunities to share some stories about the kind of […]

Lessons learned from online shopping cart usability testing
Is your checkout process working for you, or working against you? We came across a great article on Smashing Magazine this week that we thought was worth sharing. It talks about the good, the bad and the ugly of e-commerce checkout design. Almost all of the findings of the study apply to the hosting/domains industry, […]

Happy 5th birthday .eu!
April 7th, 2011, marks the fifth birthday of the .eu domain extension. Since the launch back in 2006, over 3.4 million .eu domains have been registered. EURid, the operator of .eu, says registrations have doubled in the past 5 years, and that .eu now sits ninth overall amongst all TLDs. The launch of .eu was […]

OpenSRS domain promotions
Are you taking advantage of our domain price promotions? These limited time offers are a great way to drive sales either within your existing customer base, or as a way to attract new customers to the fold. Right now we have three price promotions going on, including great promos on .TV, .MOBI and .CO domains. […]