Blog Articles

Annual report now available for the .INFO top-level domain
The annual report for .INFO was released today and for anybody interested in .INFO, or domain names in general should find it an interesting read. The report shows that in 2010, the top-level domain (TLD) grew nearly 30% to more than 6.8 million domain names registered, holding it in place as the #1 new TLD […]

Meet the Resellers: Heart Internet
UK-based hosting provider Heart Internet, OpenSRS reseller since 2004, relies on OpenSRS to provide backend solutions for domain name registrations, SSL certificates and new services like goMobi that will help the company maintain the impressive growth rate that places it at the top of the heap in the UK. Co-founders Jonathan Brealey and Tim Beresford […]

goMobi is here try it out for 30 days free
Update: goMobi v1.2 was released in early December. You can find out more about the v1.2 release here. Starting today, you’re able to sell goMobi through OpenSRS. It’s a new service from dotMobi that provides your customers with a simple, inexpensive way to build and host a mobile-ready website that works along with their existing […]

Happy Thanksgiving
Just a quick note to say Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends south of the border! Unfortunately for us, we’re stuck here at the office, toiling away, as you sit down with your families to enjoy your delicious turkey ‘n gravy, homemade stuffing and mashed potatoes. Mmmmm. On the plus side, thanks to the power […]

May I help you? and/or help yourself
Full service versus self-service A key strategic question in any service business is where to play along the spectrum from managed service (or full service) to self-service. This is particularly true with Web services, which can be either particularly sophisticated (necessitating full service) or particularly simple (enabling self-service). The answer, as always, will be driven by […]

The OpenSRS Quarterly for Q3 is now available
We’re excited to announce that our OpenSRS Quarterly for 2010-Q3 is now available for download. Have you found yourself wondering how your own own performance indicators measure up against other OpenSRS resellers? Key performance metrics like renewal rates by quarter, new registrations and transfers in and out have long been providing valuable insight to service […]

CIRA contest looking for .CA websites making a difference
A few OpenSRSers are at the meshmarketing event held right here in our hometown of Toronto. One of the presenters is the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) who are the keepers of the .CA domain extension. Over the past few years, CIRA has doing a ton of work to promote the .CA extension and to […]

goMobi available soon to OpenSRS resellers
You’ve probably heard about goMobi service that was recently launched by the dotMobi registry. This wicked cool service turns any standard website into an easy to use, fully customizable mobile site with no programming required. Better still, the service is optimized for many of today’s popular mobile devices. We’re excited about having this available to […]

Have your registrar accreditation and eat it too
You may have heard the News Last Week that Automattic, the company behind WordPress (and other cool services) has become its own accredited registrar and it got me thinking that it’s been a while since we’ve talked about our own Registrar Service. We have all different kinds of wholesale, or white label, clients selling domain […]

Locking .CA domain names
The transition to the new EPP-based registry platform for .CA domains went very smoothly. The last of a couple of minor bugs have now been fixed and everything is back to the new normal for .CA domains. We thank all of our Resellers for their help and patience throughout the transition process. The result is […]