Blog Articles

Boosting sales by adding SSL to your product line-up
Last week I had the pleasure to host a webinar with one of our new Trust Service partners, Trustwave. In that session, Dan Marfione, Trustwave’s Partner Sales Director, SSL, gave resellers some background on Trustwave and talked at length about how adding SSL to your product lineup can help boost sales and help your bottom […]

Decommissioning the older OpenSRS SSL service
Late last year we rolled out the OpenSRS Trust Service which is meant to replace the existing older SSL Service. At the time we said that we would be migrating existing SSL certificate orders to this new Trust Service sometime in the future and that we planned to eventually decommission the older SSL Service. Today […]

A plea from marketing
Almost every time I meet with an OpenSRS reseller, they end up saying, “Hey, it would be great if you had something to help me deal with (particular marketing challenge).” And I end up saying, “We do have that! #@!!%! We posted it on the blog five times and emailed you like thirty.” And they say, “OK, […]

ICANN approves new gTLDs at 41st international meeting in Singapore
Today was a historic day at ICANN’s 41st international meeting here in Singapore. In a special meeting, ICANN’s Board of Directors approved the new Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) program, finally setting in motion the process to introduce new gTLDs to the Internet. The decision follows years of planning, discussion and deliberation between a multitude […]

.INFO cost increase, plus a .INFO promotion
On July 1st, 2011, Afilias is raising the cost for .INFO domain names by $0.67 to $7.42 (all costs listed are in US dollars). We have a cost-plus pricing model for our generic top-level domains (gTLDs) at OpenSRS. That means we break out the cost of gTLDs to give you transparency into who is getting […]

Numeric and short .TEL domains now available
Starting today, June 14, 2011, the .TEL Registry has begun to allow certain numeric-only and also some two-digit, short .TEL domain registrations. OpenSRS is ready to support these new .TEL domain variants and they are available to anyone on a first-come, first-served basis at standard .TEL pricing of $8.00 plus ICANN Fee ($0.18) and your […]

One million .CO domains
Congratulations to .CO Internet on reaching 1 million .CO domains under management! It was less than a year ago, on July 20th, 2010, that .CO launched globally and OpenSRS was on board as one of 10 .CO-accredited registrars. Thanks to our resellers, who saw the opportunity that .CO provided, we’ve played an important role in […]

Leveraging content to drive acquisition
I’m at BlogWorld Expo in New York this week learning all about the relationship between content and marketing, and how you can turn your content, and your customer’s content into a tool to grow your business. Disclaimer right off the top: this isn’t your usual “you need a blog” blog post. You do need a […]

The untold history of the RWI
A few weeks back we rolled out the long-awaited OpenSRS Control Panel in a preview for all Resellers. This was the first chance for most of you to dig in and see what the Control Panel could do, and the response has been overwhelming positive. Thanks for that – we really do listen and you’ve […]

Tucows comments on ICANN applicant guidebook
The latest ICANN applicant guidebook was released in mid-April and covers the introduction of new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLD). The introduction of new gTLDs has been an ongoing conversation for more than a decade; We have an opportunity to approve the final draft in time for consideration of the new gTLD implementation program during the […]