Are you missing out on sales by not helping your customers find the perfect domain name?
Offering Premium Domains from OpenSRS is one great way to help customer find the right name, and complete the sale. Implementing Premium Names is easier than you might think.

Here’s a couple of different ways to get started with Premium Domains:
- Offer a “domain search consultancy” service to help customers find the right domain
- Implement Premium Domains results into your search results using the OpenSRS API
- Look through existing customer domains for domains with dashes and add-on words and cross-reference for better options from the Premium Domains database
Lots More Help to Get You Started
To help you out with both customer education pre-sale, and to help you or your staff when they are making the sale, we’ve put together some information about Premium Domains, including why you should consider offering them as part of your suite of services.
You’ll also find a new Premium Domains end-user FAQ in our Marketing Resource section that’s ready for you to grab and use to help make the case with your customers that they should be willing to pay a bit more for a Premium Domain rather than settling for something that isn’t quite as good.
We answer questions like “Why are these Premium Domains more expensive than ‘regular’ domains?” and “Why should I consider spending more on this Premium Domain vs. an available domain?”
Those new materials are in addition to the existing Premium Domains video (found on that same page).