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Industry Insight

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Domain names and their influence on SEO

Guest Author: Alisha Shibli Alisha is a Content Marketing Specialist at Radix, the registry behind some of the most successful new domain extensions, including .STORE and .TECH. You can connect with her on LinkedIn. Not too long ago a new marketing practice emerged and quickly became popular. A few SEO experts had identified certain website characteristics […]

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November 2018・Industry Insight

ICANN 63 recap: EPDP and temp spec updates

TL;DR: Much of the ICANN 63 conference focused on the GDPR’s effects on our industry. We’ve recapped the EPDP team’s work, focusing on the possible policy outcomes that could most significantly affect our resellers and registrants: should admin and tech contacts continue to be collected and published? Should domain providers be required to differentiate between […]

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What ICANN’s temporary specification means for domain resellers

On May 17, 2018, ICANN issued a  “Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data,” the purpose of which is to provide ICANN’s contracted parties (registrars and registries) a path towards compliance with both ICANN contractual requirements and the GDPR. This involved the introduction of numerous registrar requirements, aimed at resolving points of conflict between ICANN’s Registrar Accreditation […]

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GDPR updates: domain transfer process changes

TL;DR The registrar transfer process for gTLDs needs to change once the public Whois “goes dark”. The end result will be a process that creates a more streamlined experience for domain owners, while continuing to be secure against domain theft. Moving forward, resellers should use the “sw_register” API call for inbound transfers and include the transfer […]

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