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Domain Names

Blog Articles

Tapping into the new creator economy with .bio

The creator ecosystem is experiencing a period of dramatic change. Creators and influencers are rapidly re-writing the world of branding, e-commerce, and entrepreneurship. For those in the business of helping individuals establish an online presence, this shift presents a major opportunity worth pursuing.  The state of the creator economy Remember when Instagram was for sharing […]

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April 2023・Commercial, Domain Names

Help businesses get .Online

From singing lessons to printing, there’s no shortage of products and services people are searching for online. The convenience these online service providers offer has fundamentally changed consumer behavior. While the pandemic may have familiarized most of us with work and school from home, the popularity of online services like meditation apps and skill share […]

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What do domain status codes mean?

When you do a Whois lookup on a domain, the results include a lot of information. It’ll look something like the image below. Most of the fields are pretty self-explanatory, but the meaning of the “Domain Status” field values isn’t always so clear. In this post, we’ll explain what the various status codes mean, so […]

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Targeting content creators with .blog

There are millions of individuals, businesses, and organizations that provide regular content to their audiences. For some, content — be it workshops, courses, or paid subscriptions — is the core of their business. For others, it’s a means to strengthen their brand presence and win potential customers by providing real upfront value that welcomes them […]

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February 2022・Commercial, Domain Names

Radix’s TLDs continue to be strong performers

Radix owns and operates 10 domain extensions, including .online, .store, .tech, .website, .space, .press, .site, .host, .fun and .uno, as well as one repurposed country-code top-level domain, .PW. It’s a TLD lineup that includes a solid mix of generic options, which appeal to a broad base of website owners, and industry-specific ones, which speak to […]

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November 2021・Domain Names, Industry Insight

ICANN72 recap

Another ICANN conference has come and gone, and, while the timezone was more friendly for us North Americans, it was a bit sad to spend so much time with my ICANN colleagues yet still be so far away from them. ICANN72 saw several interesting sessions: working meetings open to public observation, Stakeholder Group check-ins, and, […]

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Tiered Access request review process and updated statistics

It’s been quite some time since our last Tiered Access statistics update. In the interim, we’ve been hard at work managing requests for disclosure of previously public registration data and, before jumping into the numbers, we wanted to share what this work looks like. Our review process Our Tiered Access team reviews each data disclosure […]

Read More on building customer relationships in the domain industry

Founded in 1995, was one of the first Italian operators accredited by ICANN to offer domain names, which they provide alongside a whole suite of professional services that empower individuals and companies to create an online presence. Today, ranks among the leading companies in Europe for domain registrations and web presence solutions. Through […]

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