Blog Articles

Making reseller support better
We’re working on making Reseller Support better. That’s pretty easy to say, right? I know I’ve said it to resellers myself when I’ve talked to some of you at trade shows, or on the phone. It’s also pretty easy for you to respond with, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” or something similar. That’s […]

goMobi v1.8 to be released on December 17, 2012
On December 17, 2012, goMobi plans to release v.18 of the goMobi mobile website service. Like all goMobi releases, there’s nothing you need to do as a reseller or goMobi customer. New features will automatically show up for all users on the release date as goMobi updates the application on its servers. New features Version […]

Announcing taste of Ting
One of the biggest requests we’ve heard from potential Ting resellers is an interest in trying out Ting before recommending it to clients. We think that’s a great idea! We now have 35 HTC EVO 4G LTE phones to ship out for a 30-day trial. We’re even including a $25 service credit to help you […]

Verisign and the US Department of Commerce – our take
This morning, it was announced that Verisign and the US Department of Commerce had come to an agreement that allows Verisign to continue to operate the .com domain for another six years. What was missing from that contract was the hot topic of conversation this morning – Verisign no longer has the right to four […]

New webmail transition update
It’s been about three weeks since all users of OpenSRS Email Service were moved to the latest version of our webmail application. Since the switchover, we’ve heard some great feedback from you and your customers. We know from experience that users are generally resistant to change, so we always go into these webmail upgrades with […]

December ccTLD-of-the-week
We’re bringing back some past favourites this month, plus discounting an obvious choice for the Christmas holiday week: .CX from the Christmas Islands. December ccTLDs-of-the-week: ccTLD Dates Details Cost/year .ST Nov 26 – Dec 2 Sao Tome and Principe $13/year (normally $45) .IM Dec 3 – Dec 9 Isle of Man $8/year (normally $15) .LV […]

Happy Thanksgiving to our US friends
Thursday, November 22, 2012 is Thanksgiving Day in the US. While we’re definitely thankful for a multitude of various things up here in Canada where OpenSRS is based, tomorrow is not a holiday for us. As a result, we’ll be staffed as usual in all departments. We wish our American friends a Happy Thanksgiving and […]

Embeddable Ting savings calculator
Here is an easier way to tell your customers about Ting and demonstrate the savings they can receive. Use our embeddable savings calculator on your own site. We’ve taken out links back to, so all you need to do is show a link/banner with your referral code to direct people to the Ting site. […]

New .ASIA domain promotion
Starting on November 1 and continuing through to the end of the year, .ASIA domains will be on sale at a registry cost of just $1.99. Considering the usual registry cost for .ASIA is $10, it’s a pretty great deal. Like most OpenSRS promotions, you’ll need to sign up to take advantage of the savings […]

OpenSRS help & support
If you’ve opened a ticket with us in the past week or so, then you’ve probably already noticed something new. We recently transitioned to a new platform for OpenSRS Help and Support. The cutover went quite smoothly. The new ticket system for Reseller Support offers some great new things for you – ticket history, the […]