Blog Articles

Email is now integrated within the new control panel
We are excited to announce the integration of our email service within the new control panel, taking place on June 5th. The goal of this project is to make the user experience, simpler and better. This interface will be rolled out to all resellers throughout the week, and as of June 10th, everyone will have […]

New gTLDs – The way forward
Tucows President and CEO Elliot Noss talks to Antony Van Couvering about new gTLDs, trends, speculation, brand protection and internet governance. View Video Here

Registrant verification improvements
At OpenSRS, we are constantly improving our products to ensure you are getting the most out of our services. We have implemented a variety of changes to better your Registrant Verification experience. Here are some improvements you can expect: 1) Customizable To appear that the verification is done through you, custom options are now available. You can […]

OpenSRS and Heartbleed
On April 7th, 2014, a new security vulnerability was announced in OpenSSL: Heartbleed. Heartbleed is a serious vulnerability in the popular OpenSSL cryptographic software library. The Heartbleed bug allows anyone on the internet to read the memory of the systems protected by the vulnerable versions of the OpenSSL software. This compromises the secret keys used […]

Heartbleed and SSL certificates
We have spoken to our technical support teams from all of our SSL vendors in regards to this issue and if your server runs the version of OpenSSL that is being affected by this bug (OpenSSL 1.0.1 through 1.0.1f), there are potential vulnerabilities. The first step is to have your servers patched with the new […]

Join us for cocktails at 2014 2014 is just around the corner. OpenSRS will be at again this year and if you are attending the event we’d love to meet you face to face. We are hosting a cocktail reception along with Atomia and Halon Security. Drop by the Commedia dell’ Arte in the lobby of the Hotel Colosseo on Monday, March 31st (between 18:00-20:00) to enjoy a […]

Claims notice
OpenSRS will begin accepting domain registrations that have a registered claim with the Trademark Clearinghouse. For the first 90 days after a new TLD enters the General Availability phase, a notification is sent to the potential registrant, prior to domain registration, informing them that a trademark claim applies to the requested domain. This trademark claim […]

.CA compliance changes
On March 6, CIRA, the .CA registry operator, will change their data validation rules. Please keep in mind that on this date, CIRA will become more strict about owner data submitted when a domain is registered or modified. Going forward, the following information MUST be provided for a registrant contact every time a .CA name […]

Mass surveillance – The Day We Fight Back
Being able to conduct our private online affairs privately is important. If you don’t need any further convincing, jump down to find out why online privacy matters to us, what we’re doing to help protect it and how you can help. Perhaps our opening statement seems weird and anachronistic, seeing as we live in a […]

CIRA’s community investment program
The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) has recently launched a new Community Investment Program designed to provide funding to community groups, not-for-profits, and academic institutions for projects that enhance the internet for the benefit of all Canadians. If you are pursuing an interesting initiative that requires funding you can apply to have your initiative considered. When […]