Blog Articles

Paid vs. free SSL certificates: what’s the difference and which do you need?
Do I need to pay for an SSL certificate, or is a free one good enough? Hosting providers, web developers, and many of our other resellers get this question a lot. And if you’re a website owner, you might be asking it yourself. It’s obviously tempting to opt for the free version — and in […]

.ORG pushes for positive change
There’s a lot of good that comes out of the .ORG namespace. Most obviously, .ORG is the online home for thousands of nonprofits and mission-based organizations around the globe. But more than that, the Public Interest Registry (PIR), which operates the .ORG TLD takes an active role in advancing worthy causes and building a better […]

Innovating to support small businesses during the Pandemic
In 2020, a huge number of small businesses moved or shifted their focus to online sales. Many of our reseller partners provided a means for businesses to do this fast and effectively, but more than that, they innovated to create new features to help these customers adapt to the virtual-only world. Today, we’re highlighting two […]

The online shop checklist: help your new clients launch their business
You know what it takes to be successful in e-commerce. But do your customers? Whether you work in website design, development, hosting, or business services, it’s important to take a step back and consider a new shop owner’s perspective. Let’s discuss how to best serve your small-biz customers and win their business again and again. […]

ICANN70 recap
Welcome back from Cancun; I hope everyone is rested following travel to and from the recent ICANN70 conference… Wouldn’t that be nice? We didn’t get to travel to Cancun this year, and I don’t expect to be able to travel for ICANN71 or 72 either, but we still had a successful conference with lots of […]

How to upsell your customers online
From our partners at .biz domains Want to boost your company’s revenue? Master the art of upselling—that is, convincing customers to purchase pricier items or additional products they hadn’t previously intended on buying. Apart from having a positive impact on your bottom line, upselling can also help strengthen relationships with clients and improve their perception […]

Tucows votes in support of the Nominet public benefit initiative
As the world’s largest wholesale registrar and a global supplier of domain names, Tucows regularly engages in policy work within our industry. The Open Internet is an agent for positive change, and we believe in the importance of stable Internet infrastructure and the value it brings to the domain name system — across both generic […]

.ART: 100K users and counting
Since its launch in 2017, .ART has seen steady growth and strong demand. We aren’t surprised; it’s a short, meaningful TLD and a clear choice for the many artists, art industry professionals, institutions, performers, and other creatives that need to showcase their work online. But it’s been neat to see who else has adopted this […]

How offering domain names will boost your business
If you provide a website builder, e-commerce, or hosting solution, you’ve got a lot on the go. Maybe “set up an integration to sell domain names” is on your to-do list, but it’s not your top priority. Here’s why it should be. 1. Domain names help you win new customers Registering a domain name is […]

Content moderation: how do we make the internet better from here?
Last Friday, NamesCon hosted a fireside chat with our CEO, Elliot Noss, titled “How do we make the Internet better from here?” The discussion included some reminiscing about Tucows’ early days and how the Internet has evolved, but the main focus was online content moderation, something that we’ve been dealing with for years in our […]