Blog Articles

HostingCon 2011 starts today
HostingCon 2011 kicks off today and it promises to be a very busy and exciting week. OpenSRS has a big presence at HostingCon as usual and we’re going to make sure that whether you are in San Diego this week, or anywhere else in the world, that you know what’s going on. Here’s just a […]

.XXX launches in September at OpenSRS
The new .XXX Sponsored Top-level Domain extension launches on September 7, 2011, and OpenSRS will be fully participating in the launch from Sunrise through General Availability and beyond. There are a couple of different elements to the launch and depending on your customer base, you’ll want to take note of the different requirements in each […]

OpenSRS welcomes EPAG to the family!
Over the past several years, we’ve watched many of our resellers branch out into new markets and regions very successfully. At the same time, we have also welcomed new resellers from a wide range of countries and industries. These trends have resulted in increased demand from our customers to offer more TLDs. Thus, we’re really […]

Help your customers find the perfect domain
Are you missing out on sales by not helping your customers find the perfect domain name? Offering Premium Domains from OpenSRS is one great way to help customer find the right name, and complete the sale. Implementing Premium Names is easier than you might think. Here’s a couple of different ways to get started with […]

Free marketing content: why business needs a professional email address
A short while ago, Michael wrote a plea from Marketing inviting our Resellers to tell us what they need from us that would help them be more successful. One of the requests was for us to craft some content around the positioning of free vs paid email accounts using domain names for end users. We […]
Sell Trustwave SSL and win an iPad 2!
Between August 1, 2011, and September 30, 2011, we’re giving our Resellers a chance to win an iPad 2 and some other great prizes as part of a fantastic Trustwave SSL Incentive Program. Here’s how the Incentive Program works: Sell at least one Trustwave-branded SSL certificate during August or September, and you’ll automatically receive an […]

OpenSRS reseller advisory council. We’re listening
How often have you spoken with somebody and you can just tell that they’re not paying attention to what you’re saying? Their eyes look away for only a second, but that’s all it takes for you to know they’re just waiting for you to stop talking so they can blurt out whatever it is they want […]

OpenSRS email now offers 5GB standard
Starting today we’re upgrading all OpenSRS Email Service mailboxes to 5GB of storage at no additional cost. There are two phases to the upgrade: Share the news You don’t need to do anything – the upgrades will happen automatically, and without any downtime or interruption in service. Do enjoy the extra space and, by all […]

Important news about the OpenSRS status dashboard
Today, we’re very happy to announce that we have rebuilt the OpenSRS status dashboard with superhero powers! Many of you are aware of the OpenSRS status dashboard. It’s our primary communications channel to tell you about upcoming maintenances and report (in realtime) any issues affecting our services. For those of you not familiar, you should […]

goMobi v1.4 update coming with analytics, new icon sets and more
[NOTE: goMobi v1.4 is now live for all users as of July 10, 2011] On July 10, 2011, the next version of the goMobi mobile website builder will be released. There’s nothing you need to do either as a reseller or an end-user – the update happens automatically across all goMobi accounts. Existing sites will […]