Blog Articles
Why extended validation is the best type of TLS/SSL certificate for business needs
Identity theft and browser warnings are growing concerns among consumers. And while you may think enabling SSL on your website will allay these fears, failure to select the right TLS/SSL certificate can erode customer trust. To regain trust, site owners need an easy, reliable way to show customers that transactions are secure and that the […]
How to succeed in the changing web hosting and CMS landscape
Guest writer: James McNiece During the last 10 years, James McNiece has driven innovation and business growth as a product and operations leader for technology companies in a variety of industries. Most recently, he has spent the past four years leading initiatives at Squarespace to grow its website building and domains businesses. Please note: The […]
What you should know about ICANN’s May 25th Legal Action
Update: The German Court has since denied ICANN’s preliminary injunction. If you’re interested in reading the Court Order you can find it, as well as any related documents, here. If you’re one of our reseller partners or someone who follows the domain industry closely, you’re likely aware that on Friday, May 25th, ICANN filed a […]
What Are SSL certificates, and which SSL certificate should I choose?
A parent preparing a toddler for her first beach vacation and a seasoned kayaker preparing for Zambia’s Ghostrider rapid will not reach for the same life jacket. In the world of digital security, the purposes and specs of the various products are also highly relevant to the consumer, although the differences between them may not […]
OpenSRS’ reseller GDPR checklist
Any time there’s a dramatic shift in our industry, we focus on minimizing the impact on our resellers and providing you as much information and assistance as possible. Admittedly, our GDPR communications work has proven fairly challenging, in part because we’ve simply never seen a shift quite as dramatic as that prompted by the GDPR. […]
Important changes to our legal agreements
We appreciate the work that our reseller partners have done, alongside our own, to come into compliance with the GDPR. In support of that work, please review our updated Master Services Agreement and domain registration agreement. These updated contracts will go into effect 25 May, 2018. These changes primarily relate to the registrant’s consent management […]
GDPR updates: domain transfer process changes
TL;DR The registrar transfer process for gTLDs needs to change once the public Whois “goes dark”. The end result will be a process that creates a more streamlined experience for domain owners, while continuing to be secure against domain theft. Moving forward, resellers should use the “sw_register” API call for inbound transfers and include the transfer […]
GDPR updates: top 10 reseller questions
We had a great turnout for our GDPR webinar, and attendees asked many intelligent and insightful questions about the regulation and our implementation of its requirements. We’ve made available a PDF of the full Q&A session, but if you prefer a shorter read, here are some of the highlights: 1. Compliance sounds as simple as […]
Check out our GDPR webinar
If you’re looking for a short and sweet summary of the GDPR (well, as short and sweet as a summary of any legal policy can be), this is the video for you! Presented by one of our resident GDPR experts, our Reseller webinar explains the fundamental concepts of the GDPR, why it matters to service […]
GDPR updates: contract changes
If you’re reading this, chances are you have questions about the GDPR and how OpenSRS is preparing. We’ve got answers! Sign up for our GDPR webinar on March 7 or March 8 to learn from one of our GDPR experts. The GDPR can be approached in terms of three fundamental concepts: 1. Consent and Control […]