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Industry Insight

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March 2022・Industry Insight

ICANN’s SSAD Operational Design Assessment: our analysis

Last week, we shared updated statistics about data disclosure requests processed through our Tiered Access Compliance & Operations (TACO) platform. As promised in that post, we also want to connect that Tucows-specific data with the bigger picture. More specifically, we want to use our data to contextualize some of the figures ICANN provided in its […]

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January 2022・Industry Insight on how to build a successful hosting business

Jonathan and Tim Brealey are somewhat of a legend in the domains and hosting industry. The duo founded UK-based registrar, 123-reg, back in 2000, launched Heart Internet in 2004, and, in 2016, began, which in five short years has grown into one of the leading hosting providers in the UK. We had the opportunity […]

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Six ways to avoid phishing attacks

In 2021, cybercriminals delivered a tsunami of cyberattacks. PhishLabs reported a 47% increase in phishing attempts from Q1 2020 to Q1 2021. Another report by Cisco Umbrella revealed that of the organizations they surveyed, an astounding 86% had at least one employee try to connect to a phishing site. Phishing, and all its variations, continues […]

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Tucows’ response to Log4j vulnerability

Updated – Dec 15, 2021 Last Friday, a critical system vulnerability with Log4j was uncovered that has the potential to result in remote code execution against applications. Since this announcement, Tucows’ Security, Engineering, and Quality Assurance teams have been working around the clock to identify all applications using Log4j and mitigate the identified vulnerability; critical […]

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November 2021・Domain Names, Industry Insight

ICANN72 recap

Another ICANN conference has come and gone, and, while the timezone was more friendly for us North Americans, it was a bit sad to spend so much time with my ICANN colleagues yet still be so far away from them. ICANN72 saw several interesting sessions: working meetings open to public observation, Stakeholder Group check-ins, and, […]

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Tiered Access request review process and updated statistics

It’s been quite some time since our last Tiered Access statistics update. In the interim, we’ve been hard at work managing requests for disclosure of previously public registration data and, before jumping into the numbers, we wanted to share what this work looks like. Our review process Our Tiered Access team reviews each data disclosure […]

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