Today we are launching a new version of the OpenSRS Status page. This new tool provides a much better experience and allows for better communication between our support team and our customers during service disruptions. Here are some of the new enhancements:

Customize how you would like to receive updates

You can now receive updates via email, SMS, RSS or you can also create a custom webhook, if you want to get really fancy. You choose how you’d like the information delivered to you. You will be updated when a new incident is created, updated and resolved.

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Detailed status information for different services

You now know exactly what service is being affected. By listing each service separately we can more accurately communicate the status of service disruptions.

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Scheduled maintenance

We will let you know about scheduled maintenance well in advance of it actually happening. Scheduled maintenance is displayed right on the status page and we will also update everyone who has subscribed to receive updates the minute a new maintenance window is booked.

Past incidents and incident history

The page automatically displays the past 15 days and whether or not incidents were reported. You can also take a look at incident history to get more details about past incidents.

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Other support enhancements

We’d like to remind you of other support enhancements we have recently announced:

Extended support hours:

Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 11 p.m. (EST)
Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. (EST)

Chat with support

You can now engage with OpenSRS support via chat during support hours. A chat box will pop up as you navigate through and OpenSRS Knowledge Base.

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