Last week we hosted a webinar for resellers to get up to speed on the expansion of our ccTLD lineup that we did in December.
If you missed the news about that launch, you can check out this post from Adam Eisner – we added dozens and dozens of new ccTLDs to the list of extensions you can sell through your OpenSRS reseller account.

Why ccTLDs? Which Ones Should I Offer? What are the Key Differences?
In the webinar, Adam talked about how we ended up adding all these new cTLDs, including a very open and transparent discussion about why we chose the ones we did.
He also provided some great advice on how you should approach bringing new ccTLDs to your customer base – that includes thinking about your location, and the markets you serve.
Plus, he took a few minutes to fully explain some of the differences between these new ccTLDs and the rest of the TLDs we offer.
The webinar runs about 30 minutes with some questions and answers. As with all of our webinars, we recorded it (video and audio) so you can watch it when it’s convenient for you. You can access the recording here.
Another Great Webinar in February!
While we’re talking about webinars, we do have another one already lined up and on the schedule for the first week of February. We’re super excited to have Phil Shih from Structure Research in to provide a look at the hosting industry in 2012. This is exclusive to OpenSRS and promises to be an excellent session.
Find out more about that here, and of course, registration is free.