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Industry Insight

Blog Articles

CIRA 2012 Board of Directors Election

The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) Nomination Committee is seeking interested individuals from across Canada to apply to fill three open positions for the Nomination Committee Slate of CIRA’s Board of Directors Election. Canadians with governance experience and relevant background in industry, technology or the Internet are encouraged to apply. Applications will be accepted from […]

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December 2011・Domain Names, Industry Insight

Premium domains work

A few months ago, we expanded our premium (secondary market) domain offering. We encouraged you to help your customers find the perfect domain by including premium domains in your search results using the OpenSRS API. We recognized this would require some front-end work. We recognized many of you still thought of a domain name as […]

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November 2011・Domain Names, Industry Insight

Take advantage of .ME’s momentum

.ME is on a roll lately. More and more .ME domains are being registered and used around the Internet, including some very high-profile and very visible sites. There are now more than 550,000 .ME domains registered, and hundreds of .ME domains are found on the Alexa Top 100,000 Sites list. With stats like that, it’s […]

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June 2011・Industry Insight

One million .CO domains

Congratulations to .CO Internet on reaching 1 million .CO domains under management! It was less than a year ago, on July 20th, 2010, that .CO launched globally and OpenSRS was on board as one of 10 .CO-accredited registrars. Thanks to our resellers, who saw the opportunity that .CO provided, we’ve played an important role in […]

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