In the world of online marketing and brand presence, the link-in-bio space has become coveted digital real estate where your customers can consolidate their online presence into a singular, memorable URL. Attention spans are short, and having a clear and concise domain name leads users directly to a curated collection of links, making it easier for followers to find and engage with content, services, or products. 

As a domain reseller catering to the dynamic needs of your clientele, it’s critical to offer TLDs (top-level domains) that resonate with their unique brands. Moreover, owning a unique link-in-bio domain—as opposed to a generic URL provided by a link aggregator platform—increases brand recall, providing a distinctive digital calling card that sets clients apart from the competition in their respective industries.

Here’s a list of 12 TLDs that capture the essence of diverse creative businesses, ensuring every customer’s link in bio tells a story and stands out in the digital crowd.

Generic link-in-bio TLDs

Our first three options work for anyone but might appeal particularly to those who already have a domain for their primary website (or are in the process of choosing one) and want a link-in-bio domain to match.

1. .Bio – it just makes sense

Let’s start with one that needs no explanation. A .bio domain is an obvious fit for anyone’s link in bio, so it’s no wonder they’re popular for this purpose. Countless creatives, influencers, and other folks who connect with and monetize their audience using social media have chosen a .bio domain to add a touch of professionalism to their profiles.

2. .Link – a versatile marketing asset 

.Link is another intuitive option that’s also well-loved by social media marketers and PR professionals for its versatility. It’s often used to create short, branded links that offer credibility without consuming too much space, making them a great way to share information in character-limited contexts like X (formerly Twitter). You’ll often see President Joe Biden use a URL to share specific pages of his website. 

3. .Online – a generic option for any online business

When in doubt, the .online TLD is a reliable choice for any business, hobby, or digital profile. It’s generic in the best possible way, signaling an online presence without any constraints. Whether you’re an emerging blogger or a seasoned business, .online tells the world you’re part of the digital fabric.

It works great as the link-in-bio complement to your customer’s primary domain name, but also provides an opportunity for those who don’t yet have a website. By using a .online domain and directing it to their preferred link aggregator, they can begin building brand recognition. When they are ready to establish a more comprehensive online presence, their domain, along with the credibility it’s garnered, will be ready and waiting.

This brings us to our next batch of recommendations…

Niche-specific link-in-bio TLDs

Just like .online, these domain extensions work great as both a memorable link in bio or as a permanent home for a primary website.

4. .Io – for tech-savvy businesses

The .io domain has skyrocketed in popularity with its association with tech startups and innovative industries. Suppose your client’s business is all about cutting-edge technology or SaaS products, a .io link in bio would instantly convey a sense of modernity and progress. It’s the TLD that tech enthusiasts can’t click past; it can make their link unforgettable in the right circles.

5. .Me – ideal for personal brands

Personal branding is on the rise, with influencers and solopreneurs seeking the perfect domain to represent themselves. The .me TLD is all about individuality and connecting directly with the audience. It’s ideal for bloggers and freelancers who want to convey a friendly and personal touch through their link-in-bio domain.

6. .Co – a versatile option for startups and small businesses

The .co domain has established global recognition as the choice for startups, entrepreneurs, and small businesses. It’s flexible and doesn’t pigeonhole businesses into a specific niche, allowing your customer’s brand to pivot and grow without the constraints of a narrow TLD definition. This is the TLD that can be the anchor for young ventures in any market.

7. .Art – Perfect for artists and creatives

For galleries, artists, and all-around creative individuals, your customers needn’t look further than .art. This domain is more than a web address; it’s an immediate insight into the brand’s creative soul. Whether your client deals with visuals, music, or literature, a .art domain signifies a passion for creation that will resonate with their audience.

8. .Design – tailored for design-focused businesses

Businesses with a design-forward approach need a TLD that speaks their language. .Design does just that, adding a professional and design-savvy veneer to your link-in-bio domain. It’s a credible choice for portfolios, firms, or any entity that puts a premium on style and aesthetics.

9. .Biz – suitable for businesses of all kinds

Sometimes, the straightforward approach can be the most effective. Suitable for all businesses, a .biz domain is unambiguous, announcing the link as a business transaction destination. It’s a no-nonsense call to action for people looking to connect, collaborate, or procure services.

10. .Store – for e-commerce businesses

.Store provides a fresh and constructive take on e-commerce domains. It’s a versatile TLD that can encompass a wide range of products, and its clear messaging makes it a powerful tool for driving sales from any link-in-bio platform.

11. .Live – ideal for live-streaming content creators

As live streaming continues to capture a vast audience, the .live TLD is tailor-made for content creators who deal in live, unscripted experiences. It’s perfect for promoting events, Q&A sessions, or daily happenings that keep audiences glued to their screens. A .live link in bio builds anticipation and promises a real-time connection.

12. .Agency – a solid choice for marketing and advertising agencies

Marketing, advertising, or consultancy agencies need to project trust and professionalism. The .agency TLD does just that, clearly signifying the nature of services offered and exuding a business-oriented assurance. It’s the domain that speaks volumes about your client’s expertise and encourages users to click.

In the ever-expanding universe of digital branding, the right TLD can be the make-or-break element for your client’s link-in-bio success. You can leverage the TLDs in this listicle to offer diverse options that tap into online businesses’ emotional and professional nuances. As you curate your inventory, remember that the domain name is not just an address—it’s a first impression and a lasting brand identity statement. Choose wisely, and watch as your clients’ links become the highlight of their digital presence. Happy reselling!