Uniregistry has announced a number of TLD price increases, taking effect on September 8th, 2017. Our main concern with this type of increase is that it has the potential to undermine consumer trust in the new gTLD program.
Here’s everything you need to know, and what action we suggest you take:
What’s Changing at OpenSRS?
In addition to accommodating for these price increases, we have readjusted our Uniregistry offering. As always, the goal was to keep things practical and uncomplicated. Two things will happen:
1. We will continue to support the following TLDs
Standard price increases

2. We will no longer support the TLDs with exponential price increase
The decision to discontinue support for these select TLDs was made to protect you and your customers from unknowingly overpaying in a price range well beyond $100 per year.
No longer supported as of September 8th, 2017

How will this affect me?
You’ll have to adjust your pricing accordingly for the TLDs we are continuing to offer.
For to-be-discontinued domains, all current registrations will remain active until their expiry date. During this time, you may continue to manage the DNS and contact records for these domains as you would normally. However, you will no longer be able to register/renew these names for your customers, as of September 8th, 2017. If you wish to continue to offer these TLDs, please contact our support team.
Your best tools for customer retention are to build a strong rapport and to focus on possible solutions. We have some practical tips on how to do this…
What action should I take?
Inform your customers early
Regardless of which boat a customer falls into, they’ll appreciate the advanced notice. However, those who own TLDs that we are dropping will especially benefit from early notice and some advice on how to proceed. You can advise these customers to request a renewal for the full 10-year period, well in advance of the September 8th deadline, should they wish to hold onto their domain name.
Proactively encourage customers to consider alternative TLDs
Many customers will want to find a suitable replacement for their soon-to-be-discontinued domain. And with access to the 600+ competitively priced TLDs offered by OpenSRS, you’ll be able to find something that matches each customer’s needs, no matter how niche or generic.
Check out our domain Pricing page for our full list of offerings.
Lock in customers at their current pricing
Customers can take full advantage of the comparably low current prices by renewing their domains for the maximum number of years possible. For Uniregistry domains, that’s up to 10 years. As a Reseller, you can take advantage of the opportunity to demonstrate that you are working proactively, and are committed to securing the best possible deal for your customers.