Exhibit A
Email SPAM / Abuse Reinstatement Policy

If an Account or Domain Name has been suspended from e-mail it can only be reinstated when an e-mail is from an E-mail Administrator. If no e-mail accounts have been given E-mail Administrator authority or the entire Domain has had its e-mail suspended, e-mail resinstatement requests may come from the Reseller. This e-mail should be sent to:

The e-mail must, in the infringer's own words, explain (explaination e-mail): The same party that deals with incoming SPAM or Internet Abuse complaints will be the first arbiter in making a decision as to whether or not the account should be reinstated.

In making a decision the arbiter shall take into consideration: Communication of the decision should be sent to the e-mail from which the infringer's explaination e-mail was sent and should be copied (with the text of the explaination e-mail attached) to [email protected] where a central record of Spam Abuse complaints will be kept.

If the infringer disputes the decision or if the first arbiter is uncertain which action to take appeal can be made to the Product Manager for a final reinstatement decision.